This Adventurous Age

Adventures travelling and working around Australia.

2000 Travels November 7

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After breakfast, refuelled Truck. $1.23cpl.

Went out to Big Lagoon again, because John was keen to try some more fishing.

I did some bird watching for a while, then tried the fishing.

We caught some whiting.

A younger couple, with a baby, turned up and stayed a while. He tried fishing, briefly – and was very chatty. They then headed off to go to Cape Peron. He said he knew all about sand driving, and had let his tyres down “a bit”. Hmmm…..

Ate lunch out there.

There was a build up of cloud through the afternoon.

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Still life in sand

We stopped fishing and both walked around the lagoon shore, because I’d convinced John it was quite special. Walked around the corner that we could see from our fishing point and found there was an even bigger continuation of the lagoon around there. It really is big!

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We were intrigued to see emus wading out in the water. Didn’t know if the water was actually drinkable for them, or if they were cooling their feet, or just doing so because they could!

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Emus paddling

Eventually, we drove back to the old homestead, with an idea of looking for birds around that watering point, but it was a bit late, so we didn’t try that for long.

For tea, John had flathead, I had a Greek salad.

The night was very windy, and then it RAINED! I couldn’t remember the last time we’d had rain – think it was back in Qld a few months ago?

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