This Adventurous Age

Adventures travelling and working around Australia.

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2012 Travels August 23


It rained overnight, and then on and off throughout the day.

The ground outside Bus got very muddy – there was no cement slab and it was just rather worn down grass and dirt.

Managed to get the dog some walks by the lake, in between the morning rainy spells.

Late morning, we went for a long walk to the town centre. I wanted to browse in some of the shops, but John was not in a mood to wait while I did so. I was able to buy a large half foccacia and some cold meats for lunch.

The town was where the well known Beechworth Bakery began, back in 1984 – which was incidentally the only other time I had visited Beechworth. We had to go there, of course. Bought a vanilla slice and a bee sting cake, to be our dessert for tonight.

Couey coped alright with having lots of people around her, and with the main street traffic. If nothing else, this trip had been valuable for getting her used to new places and experiences.

Late lunch back at Bus – the bread, cold meats, and cheese. Yum.

The rest of the day was mostly in Bus. It was cold and distinctly miserable looking outside, with the rain. John gamed on the computer; I read the newspaper I’d bought at the shops, embroidered and completed the piece I had been working on.
